Lost in
Turku was the last event I did for my 'Get Finternational' course and it was one of the funniest events I have done in this course. We had to form a team and then we had to find 10 points painted in a paper map and we had to do an activity at each point. They were activities related to the finnish culture mostly. I found it
very interesting because also people who are not studying the course could go
with us. We were a team of six and we really had fun. Finally, you are a bit
tired because it´s four hours walking all the time but it was a good
experience. I learned new things in some of the points and it was very dynamic.
I really liked that in some points there were candies or pastry, it was very
nice considering that it was the time for lunch (at least for me). I think I
wouldn´t change anything of the activity, it´s good to try to understand a
paper map nowadays again, feeling lost in the city you had been living for 4
months. And also the activities related to Finnish culture were funny, and
also we knew a few things, we weren´t a that bad team.
It was
great that also we got a lot of things, like a patch for the overalls, candies,
a pen, a condom, a bag...that was very nice. But the best part was the weather,
it was a perfect day to do the activity, sunny and not windy, I´ll recommend this
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